South Sumatra Police Pay Attention To Cases Of 7 Syndicated People Selling NIK Via WA To China

PALEMBANG - South Sumatra Police are handling the case of a syndicate selling population data number (NIK) through a WhatsApp account."This syndicate consists of seven people, they sell NIK data registered in the WhatsApp account number, then sold abroad such as China," said Head of Public Relations of the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Sunarto during a press conference at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters, in Palembang, Antara, Tuesday, April 30.He explained that the syndicate's actions were headed by one of the suspects, namely NOV. NOV claimed to study the sales transaction system by studying on YouTube social media.NOV and his colleagues were arrested by the police some time ago in the Borang area, Palembang City along with evidence.The syndicate is able to sell as many as 50,000 WhatsApp accounts per day with an income of IDR 5,000,000.In this case, the evidence (BB) which was also confiscated were 9 units of Android phones of various brands, 5 units of computer CPUs, 1 unit of laptop in damaged condition, 5 units of mouse, 6 units of keyboard and USB Hub as well as 3 units of wifi rooter and power supply.The seven suspects were charged with Article 36 paragraph 2 and/or Article 35 in conjunction with Article 45 of the ITE Law amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2024 concerning ITE in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 with the threat of imprisonment for 12 years and a fine of IDR 12 billion.Kombes Pol Sunarto emphasized that the case being handled was the attention of the South Sumatra Police because it was really a big problem.
His party will continue to hunt down other involvement of the perpetrators of online gambling crimes and the perpetrators of the crime of selling personal data.