Fresh Milk For Skin Beauty, Here's How It Is Used

JAKARTA - Adding fresh milk to your beauty routine can provide many benefits to your skin, hair, and overall health. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and protein, fresh milk has moisturizing, menutrition, and exfoliating the skin so that it can rejuvenate your skin and improve your natural beauty.

From simple DIY masks to milk showers, here are some ways to take advantage of fresh milk in beauty care, reported by the Times of India, Friday, April 26.

Soak yourself by bathing in milk. Just add fresh milk to warm water for bathing. Lactic acid in milk helps peel dead skin cells, makes the skin soft and smooth. Fat and protein in milk also moisturize and menutris the skin, making it the right choice for dry or sensitive skin types. Just pour 2-4 cups of fresh milk into the bath and soak for 20-30 minutes to feel the effect of rejuvenation.

Use fresh milk as a natural facial cleaner to remove dirt, oil, and dirt on your skin. Wet a little milk on the cotton and gently swab all over your face, focus on the area with makeup or excess oil. Milk will help clean the pores while making the skin feel fresh and hydrated. After cleansing your face, continue with your routine skin care for the best results.

Create a mask that hydrates by combining fresh milk with honey and oceanmeals. Honey has antibacterial properties that can help prevent acne and relieve inflammation, while oatmeals serve as a gentle exfolian to remove dead skin cells. Mix fine milled milk, honey and oceanmeals with the same comparison to form pasta. Apply the mask to your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes before peeling with warm water. Your skin will feel nutritious and revitalized after this pampering treatment.

Fresh milk can also be used as a natural toner to brighten and level skin tone. Lactic acid in milk helps peel the skin and increase cell turnover, resulting in smoother and more luminous skin. After cleansing the face, soak the cotton ball in fresh milk and gently moisturize it throughout your skin. Let milk dry up before applying moisturizer to lock hydration.

Say goodbye to dry and fragile hair with hair masks made of milk. Mix fresh milk with a tablespoon of coconut oil and a teaspoon of honey to make menutrition hair treatments. Apply the mixture to wet hair, focus on the end, and leave it for 30 minutes before peeling clean. Protein milk will strengthen hair, while coconut oil and honey will provide deep hydration and glow.

Relieve the sun's burning skin, rash, or skin that is interrelated with a soothing milk compress. Soak a clean cloth in cold milk and squeeze the remaining liquid. Apply the compress to the affected area for 10-15 minutes to reduce inflammation and discomfort. Cold milk will help calm the skin and speed up healing, making you feel fresh.

Adding fresh milk to your beauty routine can provide many benefits to the skin and hair, thanks to its moisturizing nature, menutrition, and peeling. Both bathing in milk to calm, pamper yourself with hydrating milk masks, or calming the skin that is written with a milk compress, you will be amazed by the transformative effect of this natural ingredient. So please enjoy the benefits of fresh milk and feel the beauty of light from head to toe.