Clothing Trader In Tangerang Killed By Woman Using Bima's Typical Sword

TANGERANG - A middle-aged woman named Rat became a victim of a murder allegedly committed by a woman on Jalan Borobudur Raya, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency, Monday, April 1, in the morning.

Witness Amir said that when the incident began, the perpetrator came driving a white Toyota Yaris with police number B 1568 CZE.

Arriving at the scene of the crime (TKP), the perpetrator parked his car in front of the victim's clothing shop.

"The perpetrator had an argument with the victim. But I don't know what the problem was. He quarreled with the claw. Then the grab (driver) separated," Amir said when met at the location, Monday, April 1.

Clothing Trader In Tangerang Killed By Woman With Bima's Typical Sword

Not long after, the perpetrator returned to his car to take a sharp weapon (sajam). He immediately stabbed the victim to the ground.

"I think batungan, so it's long black. Around 50 centimeters," he said, a typical Bima sword, "he said.

After that, the perpetrator fled in his car.

"He ran away by car," he concluded.