Susi Pudjiastuti Gives A Firm Message To KKP Minister Sakti Wahyu: Do Not Make Lobster Seed Permit As Camouflage
JAKARTA - Susi Pudjiastuti gave a firm message to the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono after stating a firm commitment to prohibit the export of lobster or fries. According to Minister Sakti Wahyu, under his leadership, the fry can only be cultivated in Indonesia.
Susi reminded Minister Sakti Wahyu that this policy should not be just camouflage.
"Don't just use camouflage for cultivation to collect lobster seeds from the wild. In the end, lobsters will have the same fate as eels," said Susi, as quoted from her official Twitter, @susipudjiastuti, Monday, March 1.
The former KKP Minister even posted a screenshot of the conversation and asked Minister Sakti to use it as a reference. The content of the conversation is the fate of the eel which is endangered. He was worried, the fry also had the same fate.
In the conversation, it was mentioned that in the name of eel cultivation, glass eel or young fish were caught. Now the glass eel population is included in the Cites Appendix 2 or list of species that are not threatened with extinction but may be threatened with extinction if the trade continues without regulation.
Eel, including rock lobster, is germplasm or substance carrying traits that can be in the form of organs or parts of plants or animals as well as microorganisms.
Germplasm is a natural wealth that is very valuable for the advancement of science and technology to support national development.
"Eel and spinny rock lobster are only a few countries that have, very specific endemic," tweeted Susi.
Minister Sakti previously emphasized that he prohibited the export of fry. Later in the supervision or prevention of fry export, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will collaborate with the Police. So, all parties or persons who try to violate will be subjected to criminal charges.
"Now in my time, I say that the result of this case has been held. But I declare in front of all of you that I will definitely stop it and that we will ask the police chief for help to always prevent the issue of fry export," he said.