Bima Arya Gives His Vaccine Ration To Mahfud

BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya, who failed to get the COVID-19 vaccination because his antibody titer was still high, gave his vaccine ration to other people.

The person chosen by Bima Arya to replace him received the COVID-19 vaccine at Puri Begawan, Bogor City, Monday, was a volunteer traffic control on Sancang Street, Bogor City, named Mahfud.

"Two days ago I did a complete blood count and antibody check. From the results of the laboratory tests, it was seen that my antibody was still very high, the titer was 197. In fact, the requirement to be vaccinated was around 130," said Bima Arya as quoted by Antara, Monday, March 1.

Previously, from the results of laboratory tests, Bima consulted the results with several specialist doctors and received advice to delay receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

"Yesterday, I also communicated with the Minister of Health, he asked me to postpone my vaccination," he said.

Bima Arya, a survivor who was exposed to COVID-19 in March 2020, said he wanted to provide education to survivors in Bogor City to undergo vaccinations

"Based on regulations from the Ministry of Health, survivors can receive the vaccine after more than three months of being declared cured of positive COVID-19," he said.

However, because the antibody titer was still very high, namely 197 from the standard 130, Bima decided to postpone receiving the COVID-19 vaccine until the next stage of vaccination about four months later.

On the other hand, Bima Arya thinks the COVID-19 vaccine is limited in number and the target recipient is also selective. People who work as public services are prioritized.

In the second phase of vaccination, Bogor City only received 69,570 doses of vaccine for 34,785 target recipients, because each person received two doses of vaccine within two weeks.

Bima then decided to give his vaccine ration to other people who needed it and had not yet been registered as the target recipients of the vaccine.

"I gave the vaccine ration to Mr. Mahfud. Incidentally, Mr. Mahfud stopped by the City Hall and met me," he said.

Mahfud, who received the offer, immediately replied that he was willing, even though the vaccination was suddenly carried out on Monday today.

"I want to be vaccinated because I want to be healthy. I want to always be healthy," he said.