PSI Insists On Interpellation Of Anies, Left Alone In The DKI DPRD

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) faction rolled out a proposal for the right to interpellation. If approved, PSI will ask DKI Governor Anies Baswedan for information regarding the causes of the Jakarta floods and their handling.

The PSI faction has eight members. Meanwhile, the requirements to propose interpellation rights are rolled out by at least 15 members of the board and must be more than one faction. This means that PSI must lobby other party factions to make their dreams come true.

PSI Faction Deputy Chairperson Justin Untayana is confident that a number of factions they spoke to also agree with the agenda. "We are sure other parties also admit that the governor's handling of floods is still not optimal," said Justin, some time ago.

"For parties that have similar views, we hope this can be a strong joint movement in the Regional House of Representative (DPRD). We are rolling out this right of interpellation for the sake of humanity and social justice for all Jakarta citizens," he continued.

Unfortunately, PSI lobbies to other factions are unrequited. Golkar, for example. Chairman of the Golkar Party faction DPRD DKI Basri Baco admitted that his party would not follow PSI's steps in proposing the right to interpellation.

According to Baco, the interpellation proposed by PSI did not seem serious. This is because what is needed now is the concern of members of parliament to residents affected by the floods.

"Golkar will not support it. I am sure other parties will not support it either. I am sure they are only looking for sensation, not really wanting to clean up the floods and care for the people affected by the floods," Baco said when contacted, Friday, February 26.

DKI Gerindra Party faction member Syarif is also reluctant to follow PSI over the proposed interpellation rights. Syarif doubts PSI understands the intent and purpose of rolling out the right of interpellation. According to him, PSI also did not know the substance of the Capital City flood problem which had hit since a long time ago.

"It's just wishful thinking that is impossible to come true. PSI does not understand interpellation, because it does not understand the background and substance to be interpolated. So, it is just a political dream," said Syarif.

Syarif considers that the floods that hit Jakarta are entirely to blame for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. This is because the flood factor is not only due to heavy rainfall, but also water from the upstream.

That is why DKI Pemprov has a joint program with the central government, in this case, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) to carry out river normalization. "There are many reasons for the flood. Do you want to interpellate the policies of the Bogor, Depok, and also the President or Minister of Public Works and Housing?" he said.

Then, Gilbert Simanjuntak, a member of the PDIP faction at the DPRD of DKI, admitted that he was embarrassed by the attitude of PSI, which earlier offered the interpellation proposal to the public compared to the internal members of the Kebon Sirih parliament.

"We see PSI communication as arrogant. It seems that they do not understand how the interpellation mechanism is and do not understand how to communicate with others. How come we have to hear from the media about this? Even though we are both in the DPRD," said Gilbert.

If later PSI invites PDIP to initiate interpellation, Gilbert admits that his party may not necessarily agree. "Of course we have to learn why PSI is asking now, right now, COVID-19 and floods. The impression is urgent, even though the problem we are going to ask is unclear. Interpellation is not that simple," he explained.

The rejection of the proposed interpellation was strengthened by a statement by the Deputy Chairman of the DKI Regional Parliament, Mohamad Taufik. This rejection was because PSI's proposal was considered far-fetched. Then the proposal put forward by the party led by Giring Ganesha was also not objective.

"I don't think the council has given us support because we are more mature, more objective," said Taufik.

According to Taufik, PSI will not be able to attract other parties to propose interpellation. So, it is possible that this proposal will be dropped because PSI seems to be looking for a stage.

"The interpellation has a condition, namely the support of 15 people. I think the colleagues in the council are more mature in assessing something because the proposal seems like sheer sensation," he concluded.