Fighting In The 'Hell' Electoral District, PRT Becomes A Legislative Candidate Hopes Not To Be Stressed Then Day

JAKARTA Yuni Sri Rahayu (41) a housemaid (PRT) who is running for legislative member of the South Jakarta VII electoral district admits that she is pessimistic that she can qualify in the 2024 election. Because he feels his rival is so tough, besides the incumbent, there are also artists.

Yuni said, one of the strong opponents in the electoral district (Dapil) is Astrid Khairunnisha, or the wife of Uya Kuya.

"There are artists. Uya Kuya's wife is also the VII electoral district. That's why someone said the VII electoral district is a hell electoral district," Yuni said when met in Cipete, Cipandak, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 1.

"I just live it, the question of losing victory is wallahualam. God willing, it will not be stressed," he continued.

Nevertheless, Yuni admitted that she was happy to have the support of her friends, both offline and online (social media), so that they could win in the 2024 General Election.

"I just have solidarity support from my friends. Like my media friends, this is called a free campaign. Alhamdulillah, I also don't know, right. So, yes, just go through it," he said.

Regarding the campaign, Yuni admitted that she continued to visit her electoral district even though she came as she was. Unlike other legislative candidates who have strong capital.

Once again, Yuni ensured that when the campaign had started he could only make campaign props (APK), that was not much, he said.

"If I want to make a poster or sticker, at least I ask for 300 pieces. There is 150 thousand money, so I have transferred it. Later, if there is more money, poster is like that. That's also not a lot, 30 seeds, so I've already transferred it," said Yuni.

Yuni thought that if she did not win this year's election, at least there would be female candidates who could qualify and could voice the voice of a woman.

"Even if it is not elected, hopefully there will be female candidates who can campaign, who voice the female issues in the chair there," he concluded.