PRT Becomes A Candidate With Minimum Capital Disbursed By RT

JAKARTA Yuni (41), a candidate for the DKI DPRD who works as a household assistant (PRT) in South Jakarta, admitted that she received unpleasant treatment from the head of the local RT while campaigning in her neighborhood.

According to Yuni, this happened because there were two candidates from other parties who had bigger capital than him.

"Honestly, here (his house), when he asked for permission to socialize to the RT he said 'Because here it supports 2 legislative candidates. So we can't socialize," Sri said when met at her house on Jalan Haji Tolib, Cipete, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 1.

Yuni felt there was discrimination from the RT in her neighborhood. However, Yuni admitted that she didn't care.

"Yes, it's discrimination. There must be obstacles. At first I didn't have the ambition to win either, I just went through the process," he said.

Yuni admitted that she was resigned to the current situation. Because, he acknowledged that the capital spent to promote himself was a kind of campaign prop.

"If I want to make posters, or stickers, at least I ask for 300 pieces, I have 150 money, so I have transferred it. Later, if there is more money, poster it. It's also not a lot, 30 pieces. Yes, I've transferred it for that. For others, I'll just give up," he concluded.

Yuni runs as a candidate for the legislature (caleg) of the DKI DPRD for the electoral district (Dapil) VII South Jakarta. The woman who works as a household assistant (PRT) does not have much capital like other legislative candidates. Yuni said, she only has a capital of Rp. 2.5 million, for APK and administration.