Not Only K-Pop And Drakor, Now Noraebang Coins Are Also Present In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Korean fever is still loved by the Indonesian people today, from the style of dress to the Korean lifestyle, many Indonesians are also in demand. Korean music tastes also affect the ears of Indonesian music lovers, including the way of singing and their habits. Young people in Indonesia are also on the trend of Noraebang.

A company from South Korea, Akssunun Hama Norebang, in collaboration with Masterpice Management, will present the concept of Coin Noraebang Creativity Zone entertainment for young people in Indonesia.

The term noraebang itself is present and popular for the first time from the South Korean state. Reporting from 90 Korean Day, the word noraebang if described is from the word (norae) which means lagu and the word (bang) which means room, so that it can be interpreted as a whole, namely the song space or it can also be understood as a karaoke place. Trend Karaoke

The shift in the karaoke trend in Korea, which was previously a family karaoke, has become a karaoke for young people, has occurred in recent years during the boom of noraebang coins. Previously in korea, family karaoke and from small children to parents singing was crowded, but ABG from school children who were young, they were entertainment, they didn't want expensive karaoke but the atmosphere was also bright. The concept of noraebang coins is more for young children. In Korea, it has stood 6 years old and booming and other countries are also interested and I bridged it between Akssun Hama Noraebang and Masterpiece, finally Join woke up in Indonesia," said Mr. Kim as Senior Advisor of Masterpiece Indonesia,

The Indonesian population of more than 270 million people has become a magnet for business people from other countries to expand their industrial wings. This is what makes Akssunun Hama as the owner of the largest noraebang coin in Korea interested in entering the Indonesian market. Akssunun Hama Noraebang is not only in South Korea and already in New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines and also Canada. The large and positive-growing Pangsa Pasar Indonesia, making them want to build Noraebang for young Indonesian children, not just in Korea. Ujar Lee Kyung Sup who is the Founder and Ceo Akssunun Hama Noraebang South Korea.

The cooperation agreement between Masterpiece Karaoke and Akssunun Hama was carried out at the Harris Kelapa Gading Hotel on January 26, 2024. This is a sign that later this Karaoke Two-State collaboration could make something positive in the future for both parties. Today all the signings of the cooperation with one of the largest NOraebangs in South Korea, of course we are very happy and proud of this kind of cooperation. The hope is that of course we want to give Noraebang's presence in Indonesia so that it becomes an adoption for young people to get affordable and clean entertainment. The details will be that after the outlets are already there. "Pungkas Jeffry Setiawan as CEO of Coin Noraebang International, who will later build this Noraebang business in Indonesia.

In addition to where young people gather and sing, in the Noraebang Creativity Zone they can also play online games that support e-sports, watch movies, photo studios etc. Pungkas Ceo PT Coin Noraebang Internasional, Jeffry Setiawan.