Central Jakarta Traffic Unit Can't Act On Motorists With Brong Exhausts, This Is The Reason

JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Traffic Unit emphasized that none of its staff carried out raids on vehicles using Brong exhausts.

"What is clear is that in Central Jakarta there is no action," said Head of Traffic at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Gomos Simamora to VOI, Monday, January 22.

This was due to the absence of a Brong exhaust detection device owned by officers from the Central Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit.

"We have to have tools if we want to raid. So at least we (see the exhaust) is not according to standard, it is not according to standard nor do the police not know whether it is standard or not. It's just visible to the eyes," he said.

The reason that the Central Jakarta Satlantas officers did not conduct raids on vehicles with Brong exhausts was because they were hit by a special device.

"If we (the raid), (later) we will be compensated for wrong again. At least we can see the sound, it's loud, just like that. If we say it's genuine or not, it can't be done either," he said.

Kompol Gomos also questioned whether the difference in vehicles with brong exhausts or not.

"The problem is like this, can we know whether the car and the motorbike have a Brong exhaust? Do we think we can know or not, I ask first? We can't. We have to have tools if we want to raid," he said.

Kompol Gomos said Brong exhaust detection equipment is very important for law enforcement as a parameter.

"So we have to use tools, tools to find out. It's not arbitrary if we want to take action," he explained.