Police Difficulty Revealing The Identity Of The Spreader Of Sesat Teaching Books In Tebet

Police are still investigating a mysterious book containing 21 white pages circulating in the Bukit Duri area, Tebet, South Jakarta. The book containing heretical teachings was found by residents on Thursday, January 18. It is not known who the person who distributed the book was, the police are still investigating.

Yana, is the first person to find the book. Yana said, when confirmed, she saw the book tucked into the fence of her restaurant in the morning. Until finally the news of the findings was heard by the local police.

The Tebet Police Chief, Kompol Murohih, admitted that his party was still having trouble uncovering the perpetrators who spread the heretical flow book. Because according to Murohi, CCTV at the scene did not lead to the perpetrators of the book spreader.

"The results of checking all CCTV are 3 points. 1 CCTV is in front of the (inactive) page and 2 CCTV is in the restaurant (active) but does not record the situation in front," said Murohil in his statement, Thursday, January 18.

He also admitted that he did not know the purpose and purpose of the perpetrators in distributing the book which allegedly contained the heretical sect. Murohil only confirmed that the book was suspected of insulting Islam.

"The purpose of the booklet maker (book) is not yet known, but from the contents of the booklet it is suspected that it is temporary to insult, obscure and mislead the teachings of Islam, and it is suspected that Muslims are not convinced of the teachings of Islam," he said.