Sending Umrah Pilgrims In Jeddah Without Tickets To Return To Indonesia, Travel Leaders In Jambi Are Examined

JAMBI - Jambi Regional Police (Polda) summoned the leader of the Umrah travel from Jepara regarding alleged fraud against agents and congregations.

Director of General Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimum) of the Jambi Police, Kombes Pol Andri Ananta Yudhistira, said that the reported party was not present without any information.

"According to the call we sent last week and the person concerned was not present again," he said in Jambi, Friday, January 5, as reported by Antara.

The leader of the Umrah travel from Jepara is suspected of committing fraud by not buying tickets for Umrah pilgrims from Jambi in early November 2023. Dozens of pilgrims from Jambi who were in Jeddah could not return to their homeland.

Due to this incident, Jambi's agent on behalf of Habibullah bought tickets for dozens of worshipers to return to their homeland.

Andri said that next week the Jambi Police would again summon the reported party. For information that this case has entered the investigation stage.

Andri hopes that the reported person or person concerned is expected to attend the next summons.

"We hope that the reported party can attend for information," he said.

The leader of the Umrah travel from Jepara, Central Java, with the initials M, was summoned by investigators with the status of still as a witness to look for evidence.

Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the Jambi Police AKBP Maulia Kuswicaksono said the reported status was still called as a witness to look for evidence while the case was already in the investigation stage.

"In this investigation stage, we have only summoned the reported party once. It's different, yes, in the investigation and investigation stage," he said.

Previously on December 22, 2023, the police had conducted a case title and it was found that there were allegations of criminal acts in this case.

"For the new investigation process, it is limited to the summons for reporting, but the allegation of indications of criminal acts is clear, so we have sent a notification letter for the start of the investigation (SPDP)," he said.