Myanmar Military Attacked Shipyard, Two Citizens Killed Shot In The Head And Chest

JAKARTA - Tensions between security forces and residents of the Municipality of Maha Aung Myay increased today, when police attempted to raid the shipyard to force the staff back to work. Residents protested and tried to expel security forces. Staff workers joined the national disobedience rally (CDM), as part of a rally against Myanmar's military coup.

Two civilians, including a young man, were shot dead on Saturday 20 February in Mandalay, when riot police opened fire with rubber bullets and live ammunition.

These shots were fired at residents protecting government shipyard workers, who had joined the civil disobedience movement against the military regime.

"Twenty people were injured and two others were killed. One man died from injuries to the head," said Ko Aung, leader of the volunteer emergency service Parahita Darhi, told Reuters.

Ko Aung and doctors said a second man was shot in the chest and died later from his wounds. He was identified by relatives as Thet Naing Win, a 36-year-old carpenter.

“They took the body to the morgue. I can't take him home. Even though my husband died, I still have my son,” his wife, Thidar Hnin, told Reuters by telephone.

"I've never been involved in this movement, but now I will, I'm not afraid now," she added.

Apart from casualties, a number of residents and protesters were also victims of beatings. The number reaches tens of people.

"The victims were hit in the stomach and head. At least 24 people were injured and several were in critical condition," an eyewitness told The Irrawaddy.

The police crackdown on Saturday has been the second and third protest death since the military took control in a coup on February 1, following the death of a 20-year-old woman who was shot in the head nearly two weeks ago in Naypyitaw on Friday.

Residents said nearly 100 riot police and soldiers were deployed on more than a dozen police trucks on Strand Road before the crackdown. According to some media images, military snipers were also deployed.

“They suddenly started beating people and arresting them. They also damaged motorbikes. When residents tried to respond, they opened fire,” said one resident.