Palestinian Fighter Yasser Arafat Receives Nobel Peace In Today's History, December 10, 1994

JAKARTA - History today, 23 years ago, December 10, 1994, Palestinian fighter Yasser Arafat received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway. The world-class award was awarded to Yasser for his dedication to fighting for Palestinian-Israeli peace.

Previously, Arafat was widely known as a Palestinian freedom fighter. He could not stand by watching his land be annexed by Israel. He spoke out loud about Israel's atrocities abroad. The world also sympathizes with Arafat and the Palestinian people.

Arafat's Nyali against Israel's hagemony, which is supported by the western world, has never subsided. He seemed to donate his entire life to fight Israel. His dreams were great. Arafat wants Palestine to grow as a sovereign country. He founded political vehicles. Fatah, his name.

The political party became a tool of his struggle to seek support for struggle in various parts of the world. Arafat wants the world to look at the atrocities of Israel to the Palestinian people. He played this strategy so that the whole world condemns Israel. Therefore, Palestine can be independent.

The smell of Arafat's struggle strengthened when he occupied the position of chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964. An organization that accommodates the entire political sect that is united for the independence of Palestine.

The struggle of Arafat and PLO is not easy. Instead of being immediately accepted, PLO has been blasphemed by the world like a terrorist organization. Arafat took a stand. He continues to struggle to raise the fact that Israel is the source of hospitality in Palestine, not PLO.

The results are brilliant. PLO received support from many countries. Even PLO got membership from the Arap League in 1976. PLO at that time began to be considered as representatives of Palestine. The resistance continues to be perpetuated.

Israel's cruelty continues to be highlighted by the world. Arafat began to perpetuate its tactics. Arafat assessed that the war would not solve the problems of the two countries. The option of making peace began to be chosen by both countries and independent Palestinians in 1988.

"Maybe that's why Norway's approach to PLO was welcomed even November 1988 Khalid Hassan, who negotiated with Norwegian representatives in Stockholm, approved the proposal in the negotiations for PLO to recognize the existence of an Israeli state in accordance with UN Resolution 242 and 338. Khaled Hassan agreed this was certainly not without purpose."

"At that time it was ripely planned to declare the establishment of a Palestinian state even though the homeland was still occupied by the Israeli side. The Palestinian state declaration was planned to be announced in November as well. Finally, the Palestinian state declaration was announced in Aljier, around mid-November 1988. On that occasion Arafat also stated that he acknowledged the existence of an Israeli state," wrote Dja'far Bushiri in his article in Tempo Magazine entitled Peace Appeal from Kafiyeh Arafat (1993).

Arafat's struggle for Palestine is also famous throughout the world. He is not only a symbol of the struggle of the Palestinian people, but also the world against modern-era colonialism. This narrative allows Arafat to speak in world-class forums.

Arafat's struggle led Palestine-Israel to make peace with world-class awards. Arafat received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway on December 10, 1994. The award is an important proof that the world loves the movement of Arafat and Palestine.

Arafat emerged as one of the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994. All because of his approval in seeking peaceful coexistence with Israel. In fact, Arafat started his long political career with the well-known anti-Israeli resistance action, "Obviously Miller said in his article on The New York Times website entitled Yasir Arafat, Palestinian Leader and Mideast Provocateur, Is Dead at 75 (2004).