Despite Having Asma, Take A Peek At 7 Exciting Portraits Of Karin Novilda Hiking To Mount Prau

YOGYAKARTA Despite having asthma, Karin Novilda, challenges herself by hiking to Mount Prau. The mountain with a height of more than 2,000 meters above sea level (masl) is located in the Dieng Plateau, Wonosobo, Central Java. Celebrity, model, and singer, popularly known as Awkarin, shares the excitement of climbing to the summit through the Patak Banteng route.

This is Karin's first time climbing a mountain. Uniquely, he doesn't use a porter's services to carry a large backpack called a carrier. Carrier he brought himself until after the climb. For him, being a climber who carries his own logistical luggage bag is an aviation. With these challenges, he can suppress limitations, including the condition of his breathing which he has asthma.

The climb was carried out with his three colleagues, including Dara Arafah, Wasmah Syerin Alamudy, and Dwina Karnia. On the Mount Prau hiking trail, each place cannot get a provider signal or internet signal. Karin wrote down her travel records, including the matter of zero signal to Sunset Point.

The climb was taken for 3 hours and in the morning before noon, Karin Novilda and other climbing partners reached the peak. The excitement is illustrated through uploading portraits and retails on social media. He also wrote down the challenges not only the paths that were neighbors of stone and soil, but also the asthma he suffered.

Not discouraged, Karin's first hiking experience is unforgettable. Karin has prepared many luggage and equipment herself. But he also involves porters, guides, cooks, so that the climb is comfortable.

The portrait above, Karin took a photo behind the building with a tin roof. There is also a view of the most often fields being prepared for planting. Green Hill covered by gray clouds is also a beautiful background for Karin's portrait on the climb.

Questioning outfits, it seems that Karin wears it according to safety operational procedure. Starting from stardar trekking footwear and batons helping the road and balance. Clothes look as colored as her superiors and subordinates. While the carrier bag appears to protect the back that is wrapped around the shoulder.

To prepare for Karin Novilda to climb, of course, not only luggage and comfortable outfits. Several times, this woman who was born in Tanjung Pinang uploaded a portrait of the sport. The portrait above, uploaded with quotes, intends to convey that the limited source is from time, energy, space, and others that are between what is desired or what is right.