Corruption In Market Kiosk Rental, Former Member Of DPRD Demak Sentenced To 4 Years In Prison

JATENG - A former member of the Demak Suhadi Regency DPRD was sentenced to four years in prison in the case of corruption in the money for renting a market kiosk in Wonosekar Village, Demak Regency, from 2018 to 2022.

In addition to the corporal punishment, the judge also imposed a fine of Rp. 200 million on Suhadi, who, if not paid, would be replaced with two months in prison.

"To declare the defendant guilty of violating Article 2 paragraph 1 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended and supplemented by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption," said Chief Judge Ida Ratnawati in a trial at the Semarang Corruption Court, Thursday, November 23, quoted by Antara.

In their consideration, the judge assessed that the defendant played an active role and was proven to be enriching himself.

The defendant withdrew the kiosk rental money without the knowledge of the Prosperous Justice Cooperative, which is the manager of the kiosk at the Wonosekar Village Market.

The rent was then used by the defendant to meet his personal needs.

In addition, according to him, the defendant did not support the government's efforts to eradicate corruption, collusion and nepotism.

The defendant Suhadi was ordered to return the compensation for state losses he had enjoyed amounting to Rp280 million.

Based on this decision, the defendant and the public prosecutor expressed their thoughts.