According To Research, Dancing Is Useful For Emotional And Physical Health
YOGYAKARTA Many studies have shown that artistic activities can be prosperous. More positively, with artistic activities, especially dancing, beneficial for emotional and physical well-being. According to psychotherapist, teacher, and writer F. Diane Barth, LSCW., dances often help their clients grow during the worst times of their life. Including people who complain of awkwardness, awkwardness, and tone-lessness.
Of course not everyone likes to dance or watch other people dance. Launching Psychology Today, Sunday, November 19, research shows that participating and watching dances can help emotional and physical healing. This study found, only practicing Argentine for one and a half hours a week, significantly lowering depression in participants. The therapy of dance movements uses therapeutic movements, which according to research encourages physical, social, emotional, and cognitive integration.
To get the benefits of dancing for emotional and physical well-being, you don't have to go to dance therapists, Barth wrote. Participating in some form of dance, whether online Zumba, formal class, line dancing or jumping at the club, or free movement in the living room, can provide a better understanding of yourself and help relieve chronic tensions and fatigue.
In addition to the mentioned above, dancing also helps physically stronger and more flexible. If you watch dance performances, don't always strengthen muscles, but can help reduce stress, calm down, and increase creativity. Barth recommends, if you doubt your health before trying out this artsy exercise, ask your doctor. After getting physical permission, you can start the dance genre you like the most.
Feeling awkward, awkward, and embarrassed when dancing, is natural. To help increase self-confidence, Barth advises, try dancing at home when you are alone with whatever season you like the most. Not only looking at yourself, but move on to the music until you feel comfortable with it. This activity is enough to give you the benefits of dancing. You can also join friends or relatives during a party to dance.