A Letter Of Application For Tangerang Regency Government Circulates Asking For Assistance From Ormas In Handling Conflicts In Kutabumi Market

TANGERANG Circulating screenshots of aid application letters with the Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab) official letter from Perumda Niaga Market Kerta Raharja Pasar Kutabumi number S11.2/ PS. Kubum/ IX/ 2023.

The letter reads that the market party asks for help from the People's Market Care Alliance-Banten to secure and maintain the order of the Kutabumi Market which is an asset of the Regional Government/Perumda Pasar NKR and lead traders to move to the location of the Temporary Market Shelter (TPPS) Pasar Kutabumi.

The letter also stated that so far Kutabumi Market has been occupied by market traders and Koppastam who do not support the Tangerang Regency Government program, including claims to Kutabumi Market and controlling the Kutabumi market and collecting illegal levies from traders in the market.

Tertera di surat yang menyatakan pihak Perumda Pasar NKR telah berupaya berbagai cara untuk melaporkan kepada pihak berwenang untuk melakukan tindakan di Pasar Kutabumi yang sangat meresahkan pedagang kami yang masih berjual di sana namun belum mendapat respon yang baik dan cepat.

Responding to the circulation of the photo of the letter, Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Sigit Dany S said that his party would conduct further investigations

"We are still investigating the official application letter from the head of Kutabumi Market to the Alliance which was formed on September 12," said Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Sigit Dany S to reporters, Tuesday, September 26.

Sigit assessed that the official letter application showed a series of events in the looting that occurred at Kutabumi Market.

"This shows a series of events. We will develop the motive," he said.