38 Times Curi Ayam Warga, Victim Of Geram Grandpa In South Kalimantan Tak Kapok Ogah Proses Restorative Justice

The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Balangan Police, Iptu Galuh Rizka Pangestu, revealed that one case of theft of chickens in his area had the potential to fail to be processed by Restorative Justice. The victim was furious because the actions of the perpetrators who were elderly often stole.
Balangan Police Chief AKBP Riza Muttaqin said the perpetrator admitted that he had stolen 38 residents' chickens.
"We are still trying this case for Restorative Justice, because looking at the age of the perpetrators who are also old," said Galuh in Balangan, South Kalimantan (Kalsel), Friday, September 22, which was confiscated by Antara.
In addition to uncovering the case, in the last two weeks the Balangan Police have also uncovered four other cases.
These include two criminal acts of Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951, one case of ITE Law No. 19 of 2016, and the crime of fraud and embezzlement of one case.
KBO Satreskoba Balangan Police Aiptu H Sihombing added that the drug abuse case was the result of the development of cooperation from the Kotabaru Police.
H Sihombing said that this perpetrator was the target of operation from the previous year, which was previously the perpetrator who lives in Paringin District and then went to Awayan.
Then from the suspected user who was secured by the Kotabaru Police, then the development was carried out, it turned out that he bought the illicit goods from SB, who was a resident of Awayan.
"The perpetrator is a dealer and a heavy user," he said.