Admitting Infidelity, Syahnaz Sadiqah: I'm Not Enough To Be Grateful

JAKARTA - Syahnaz Sadiqah finally opened his voice regarding his affair with Rendy Kjaernett which caused his household with Jeje Govinda to receive sharp public attention recently.

For what he has done, Raffi Ahmad's younger brother expressed his regret. Trying to self-introspect, Syahnaz felt less grateful for what he had.

"I'm sorry, I must really regret what happened all of them. Maybe I wasn't able to appreciate it yesterday, I'm not grateful that I've been given a good family, given a really good husband," said Syahnaz Sadiqah, launching YouTube Jeje & Nanas Channel, Monday, July 10.

"Yes, there are no other words than regret, sorry and thank you," he continued.

The woman who is familiarly called Nanas expressed her gratitude to her husband who did not leave even though she had made a mistake. He also promised to be better.

Thank you for never leaving me. It's hard to be happy we're always together. Anyway, in the future I will learn to be a better wife and a better mother," he said.

Meanwhile, Jeje, who had been silent about Syahnaz's affair with Rendy Kjaernett, said that he wanted to first resolve his household problems internally before speaking to the public.

"Perhaps many are also wondering why I've been silent all this time. So, I and Nanas being silent doesn't mean I don't solve the problem. I believe everyone has their own way of solving the problem. I and Nanas prefer to solve it internally, in the best way I know for my family," said Jeje.

"Because from the start I was committed to Nanas, if there is any problem, it should be resolved together, even the family should not know if there is a problem," he continued.

Jeje did not seem to want to rashly respond to Syahnaz's affair with Rendy. After all, he felt the need to maintain the good name of the mother of his children.

"I as the head of the family, as the priest for my small family, whatever the problem is, whatever the fault, I will always maintain the good name of my wife. I will always protect Nanas and my children, because after all Nanas is the mother of my children," he said.

Regardless of what Syahnaz has done, Jeje still positions his wife as a noble woman in front of her.

For me there are two noble women in life, the first is a mother who gave birth to a cave and the second is a mother who gave birth to my children, "concluded Jeje.