Families Disappear During the Cianjur Earthquake, DVI Police Please Report to Hospital Unfortunately Bring This Data

CIANJUR - The National Police's Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Team asked residents affected by the Cianjur earthquake who felt they had lost a family member or relative to come to the missing person complaint post.

Head of Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Division of Medicine, National Police Medical and Health Center, Commissioner Ahmad Fauzi, said the victim's family could also visit the Antem Morteme Command Post at Sayang Cianjur Hospital.

"Families who are still missing family members are advised to report missing person complaints or to the Antem Mortem DVI Command Post at the forensic section of the Sayang Hospital", said Ahmad during a press conference at Sayang Cianjur Hospital, West Java, Thursday, November 24.

Ahmad said the DVI Police Team would ask the family to complete the victim's data for the identification process during the complaint process for missing persons.

He also asked the reporting party to bring the victim's data such as a family card, dental medical record, or the last photo of the missing family member before visiting the Antem Morteme Command Post at the Sayang Hospital.

"When the victim is a biological child or biological parent, then to collect DNA samples from the complainant or the victim's ante mortem DNA, the biological parents or biological children are expected to be present, for DNA samples to be taken", he said.

Ahmad said the DVI Police Team had identified 124 bodies of victims of the Cianjur earthquake as of Thursday, November 24. Meanwhile, 6 bodies are still in the ante mortem data collection process.

"While one body part is still waiting for further examination in the form of DNA testing", he said.

The entire body that has been identified is based on 130 intact body bags and one containing body parts that have entered the Sayang Cianjur Hospital as of today.