COVID-19 Vaccine Produced By BUMN Ready In August 2022, MPR Leader Values The Form Of Nation's Independence In Adapting Against The Pandemic

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Lestari Moerdijat assessed that the presence of the COVID-19 vaccine produced by State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) is a form of national independence in adapting to the impact of the pandemic and the pressure of the global crisis.

"Efforts to continue to encourage the creativity of the nation's children in meeting domestic needs should be appreciated amidst the threat of a pandemic and global crisis that has not yet ended", said Lestari Moerdijat in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 4.

This was said by Lestari regarding the statement from the Minister of SOEs who revealed that in August 2022 there would be a COVID-19 vaccine produced by SOEs that could be utilized by the wider community.

The vaccine is currently in phase 3 clinical trials involving 4,040 subjects aged 18 years and over.

Lestari thinks that all efforts to rise above the challenges of the global crisis must be carried out consistently.

She hopes that stakeholders will play an active role in continuing to raise the potential of the nation's children in responding to challenges in various sectors such as the health, education, economic, political, social, and cultural sectors.

"Now is the right time to take full advantage of the potential of the nation's children to build independence", she said.

According to her, the spirit towards independence in the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine for the Indonesian people can be used as a trigger for this nation to accelerate the achievement of independence in various other sectors.

Lestari assessed that independence is not defined as being completely independent in all fields, because in fact, no nation can live alone in the world without being connected with other nations.

"The independence of the nation, of course, must begin with building the confidence and optimism of the nation's children in responding to every challenge they face", she said.

Therefore, according to him, various efforts to build the optimism of the nation's children are strategic steps that must be taken immediately in every effort of this nation to overcome the impact of the global crisis that we are facing.