Erick Thohir Is Considered To Have Revived The Ideals Of Muslims In The Country

JAKARTA - Since the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) was appointed by Erick Thohir, the development of the Islamic economy in the country is considered to be increasingly unstoppable.

This was initiated by the presence of Bank Syariah Indonesia as a result of the merger of 3 Islamic banks under the auspices of SOEs. Then Erick Thohir was entrusted to become the General Chair of the Islamic Economic Community (MES), which of course indicates that the public is increasingly placing hope in the former Inter Milan boss.

It didn't stop there, recently, Erick Thohir declared Youth EMAS (Economics of Mosques) with his flagship program, Muslim Leaderpreneur.

Phirman Rezha as Chairman of Rabu Hijrah really appreciates Erick Thohir's commitment in building a Sharia Economy in Indonesia.

"I am very grateful that there is a person like Mr. Erick Thohir, a gift for Indonesia. His commitment to the economic development of the ummah deserves the highest possible appreciation," said Phirman in a written statement, Thursday, November 11.

He continued, the agenda for revitalizing the Islamic economy has existed for a long time, but only banking activities, and not as massive as it is now. When under the direct command of the Minister of SOEs and became one of the main agendas of national economic recovery from the pandemic, this agenda was welcomed by the people.

"The Islamic economy is not only a formidable sector when facing a crisis, but it is also part of the struggle of Muslims. It is only natural because Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, but its sharia economic life is relatively unaffected," said Phirman.

In addition, the agenda of reviving the sharia economy is in line with the ideals of the people because it is expected to be able to prosper the community.

"Poverty in Indonesia can actually be called the poverty of Muslims because the majority of the lower middle class are Muslims, so the agenda for the economic revival of the people is eagerly awaited," he said.

"People must continue to support and pray for Erick Thohir's struggle, what he does will certainly be tested by parties who have had other agendas. People must believe in his integrity," concluded Phirman.