Head of the Bogor Regency Education Office (Disdik) Bambang Widodo Tawekal stated that he would immediately take firm action against employees who were proven to have misappropriated the School Operational Assistance Fund (BOS).

"For those who commit violations, after an examination is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations regarding the development of employee discipline, they will certainly be subject to sanctions according to the violations they committed," said Bambang Widodo Tawekal in Cibinong, Wednesday.

The Bogor District Education Office also conducted a number of evaluations of the potential state losses from the use of BOS Funds in Bogor Regency for Fiscal Year (TA) 2023 based on the findings of the Indonesian Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Representative of West Java.

"Especially in managing BOS in education units, including carrying out more maximum guidance, supervision, and monev by the Regency BOS team to education units," said Bambang.

Meanwhile, Acting (Pj) Bogor Regent Asmawa Tosepu has gathered school principals under the auspices of the Bogor Regency Education Office to investigate a number of findings from the BPK.

"Investigation to ascertain whether the findings were only in 129 schools or 1,886 schools," he said.

Asmawa admitted that he would complete the recommendations given by the BPK RI and would not hesitate to impose sanctions on the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) who were proven to have abused their authority.

"There will definitely be sanctions, that's why I will investigate first. I will hold this LHP, then I will explore it with the team so that it is fair. After further investigation, we will formulate it, there will definitely be sanctions," he concluded.

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