
NTT - The Sikka District Prosecutor's Office, Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT) has detained the suspect RDB in the corruption case of funds for the construction of the Waigete Public Health Center outpatient room for the 2019 Fiscal Year, which was built with a budget of Rp. 4.1 billion.

"The Sikka State Prosecutor's Office has detained one suspect in a corruption case on Thursday night because he was proven to have committed a criminal act of corruption in the construction of an outpatient room for the Waigete Health Center for the 2019 Fiscal Year", said Head of the Legal Information and Public Relations Section of the NTT Provincial High Prosecutor's Office, Abdul Hakim in Kupang, Antara on Friday, September 16.

The construction of the outpatient room at the Waigete Health Center at the Sikka District Health Office which was sourced from the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) for the 2019 Fiscal Year was carried out by CV Hesty Indah with the YMH Director.

Based on the agreement letter number Dinkes.PPK.Dak.JK/11/VII/2019, dated July 12, 2019, for the work package for the construction of the Waigete Public Health Center outpatient room with a contract value of IDR 4.1 billion.

In the process of working on the project, it turned out that the suspect was RDB based on an oral agreement with the Director of CV. Hesty Indah is YMH.

According to Abdul Hakim, in the implementation of the work on the construction of the treatment room at the Waigete Health Center as well as the process of disbursing project funds, all suspects were carried out by RDB.

"Investigators are still exploring the extent of YMH's role in this case. If there is sufficient evidence of involvement in this case, of course, he will also be named a suspect", he said.