
JAKARTA - A mass group of the National Anti LGBT Movement (Granati LGBT) arrived at the Horse Statue area, Monas, Central Jakarta, Friday afternoon, November 10, at around 15.00 WIB.

Upon arrival, the LGBT grenade masses formed a command line and then carried out the Asr prayer on the sidewalk around the Horse Statue fountain roundabout.

After performing the prayer, the orator began shouting at a number of his demands in the Horse Statue area.

"Takbir!!! Allahu akbar," shouted an orator using a loudspeaker from the top of the command car, Friday, November 10.

The crowd came with a number of props such as banners, posters, flags and a command car.

"We will convey the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs and the Minister of Tourism at the Horse Statue. Hopefully the Coldplay band will not come to Indonesia. Takbir, Takbir," shouted the orator.

The National Anti LGBT Movement (Granati LGBT) held a demonstration at the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs building because Islamic activists did not find a bright spot regarding the rejection of the Coldplay concert, which indicated an LGBT campaign.

"We have been going on a communication route to related elements since May until now, for a hearing to ensure that there is no Coldplay concert as long as it can be guaranteed there is no LGBT campaign," said LGBT grenade spokesman Novel Bamukmin to VOI, Friday, November 10.

Elements that are members of the LGBT Grenade took procedures by writing to all elements, but none responded. So the LGBT grenade element was forced to take to the streets to reject Coldplay's concert.

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