
JAKARTA - Anies Baswedan's spokesman, Sudirman Said, admitted that he was not worried about the survey results that put the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) pair at the bottom.

Sudirman actually said that his party seemed to be 'enjoying' the underdog position.

"We are also looking at the survey results, we appreciate any results, we instead, quotes, such as enjoying the underdogs," said Sudirman Said in Jakarta, Saturday, September 16.

According to him, Anies had experience during the 2017 DKI Pilkada. At that time, Anies' survey was also never favored. "The survey is only one of the benchmarks for how well our candidate and Pak Anies' experience was an anomalous experience. At the time in DKI we know, even most survey institutions predict that it will not enter the second round. But it turns out that time there is momentum, there is public sympathy that continues to emerge," said Sudirman.

Sudirman said the team would continue to monitor the results of the Anies-Cak Imin pair survey after being declared. According to him, the survey is only a measuring tool. So far, he said, many processes have been running behind the scenes and more support from various groups.

"So, we continue to monitor this, we also continue to monitor the survey, return as a measuring tool but do not make us pessimistic or have a negative atmosphere, we are always optimistic that from time to time we get wider support," said Sudirman. Previously, the results of the latest SMRC survey stated that the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) pair had the lowest electability as candidates for presidential and vice-presidential candidates even though it had been officially declared.

In the simulation of 3 candidate pairs, Anies-Cak Imin only won 16.5 percent when compared to the pair Prabowo Subianto-Erick Thohir and Ganjar Pranowo-Ridwan Kamil.

Meanwhile, Ganjar-Ridwan Kamil's electability was highest at 35.4 percent. Followed by Prabowo-Erick 31.7 percent.

"This is a public reaction a few days after Anies-Muhaimin's declaration. The hope that the pair's votes will increase after the declaration has not occurred. If we think positively, maybe because the political engine is not hot and voters need time to queue to enter the Anies-Muhaimin box," said Saiful Mujani.

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