JAKARTA Suharini (45), a coupleless woman who is known to end her life by hanging herself in her rented house on Jalan Malaka, Cakung, East Jakarta, Sunday 10 September. Suharini's death is mysterious, because no one knows the background of the victim committing suicide.
Based on Suti's testimony, Suharini's household assistant (ART), her employer was a person who tended to be closed. Before being found dead, Suharini also did not complain or tell her anything.
"He's okay and doesn't complain about anything," Suti told reporters, Monday, September 11.
In fact, Suti admitted that while working as an ART, she did not know about her employer's work.
"I don't know where he works. Every time I come here (the victim) is always there. Only if I ask 'no work, sis' he answers 'Yesterday at work, every two days'," he said.
The victim lived alone in the rented house. The victim has also been contracted for 3 years. The victim's death left a big question.
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Duren Sawit Police conducted an investigation regarding the discovery of Suharini's body, a woman in a red dress who was found hanging in her house.
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Duren Sawit Police Chief AKP Sutikno said that from the results of the identification, there were no signs of abuse on the victim's body. The victim died purely by suicide.
"We found the beginning of hanging himself. Meanwhile, there were no signs of violence (on the victim's body)," said AKP Sutikno to VOI, Monday, September 11.
However, members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Duren Sawit Police are still investigating the suicide case committed by the victim until they are desperate to end their lives. The police also have not found a motive until the victim is desperate to end his life.
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