
The wife of the Mayor of Bima, Eliya, was present at the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police in order to fulfill the summons of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigator. The wife of Muhammad Lutfi was present to fulfill the summons of the KPK accompanied by a lawyer at the NTB Police Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) Building, Friday, September 8. The fulfillment of the call ended at around 11.40 WITA. Eliya refused to provide information when he left the building. He invited to ask questions it was to his attorney. "Just ask my attorney," said Eliya, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 8. Abdul Hanan as Eliya's attorney confirmed that his client had just finished fulfilling the KPK's summons for examination in his capacity as a witness. "Mother's examination starts at 10.00 WITA earlier. (The examination) as a witness," said Hanan. Regarding the examination material, he refused to provide information. Because it was said Hanan was under the authority of the KPK investigators. "Everything "We submit it to the KPK. We do not have the authority to answer that," he said. Hanan is also reluctant to provide a response regarding this examination related to the alleged corruption case in the procurement of goods and services as well as the alleged receipt of gratuities within the Bima City Government. "Basically, we really respect the legal process carried out by the KPK and whatever is needed we are ready to attend, both for the mayor and mayor's wife, we are ready," he said. The Bima City Government environment, the anti-corruption commission on Tuesday (5/9), also conducted an examination of the Regional Secretary of Bima Mukhtar City at the NTB Regional Police. This examination is included in a series of KPK investigators conducting searches in Bima City at the end of August 2023. In addition to searching the Bima Mayor's Office, KPK investigators also did this at the PUPR Office of Bima City, Bima City BPBD Office and the residence of a number of regional officials in Bima City. The results of the search, KPK investigators find and secure evidence, including procurement documents, financial records and electronic devices. The evidence has now been confiscated by investigators and analyzed to be included in the completeness of the investigation case file. KPK spokesman Ali Fikri previously confirmed the existence of the activity. The search relates to the investigation into alleged corruption in the procurement of goods and services as well as the alleged receipt of gratuities within the Bima City Government. the case, Ali said that the investigative team had named a number of parties as suspects. However, for the identity and role of the suspect, Ali was reluctant to reveal it to the public because the investigation process had not yet been completed.

Prior to the search of the Bima Mayor's Office, it was revealed that the KPK issued a summons to the Head of the Bima City PUPR Service Muhammad Amin to be present to provide information at the KPK Office, Jakarta on Friday (25/8). In the letter, Amin was asked to provide testimony as a witness in the investigation of the corruption crime allegedly committed by the suspect Muhammad Lutfi as Mayor of Bima regarding the procurement of goods and services within the Bima City Government and the receipt of gratuities.

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