
JAKARTA - Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani said that Chairman Prabowo Subianto was determined to solve the problem of poverty in Indonesia if he was elected president in the 2024 election. "Mr. Prabowo's determination if you, ladies and gentlemen entrust him in 2024 to become president, his determination is to fight seriously to eliminate poverty," said Muzani in a consolidation of Gerindra Party cadres for the 1st Electoral District of Central Jakarta at Banteng Field, Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, July 16. In addition, he continued, Prabowo was also determined to lower the price of basic necessities. This is important to create Indonesia as a strong and prosperous country. "God willing, Pak Prabowo is excited because if Indonesia is strong, Indonesia is prosperous, it can only be done if the price of basic necessities is affordable," said Muzani. Muzani said that Prabowo wanted food self-sufficiency. This aims to meet the food needs of the Indonesian people in order to realize the prosperity of the people. "He wants food self-sufficiency. Rice, oil, and so on must be affordable prices. So what? The people can get enough to meet their food needs," he said. It was also said that Indonesia would be strong if the people were enough to eat, be healthy, and be smart. On that basis, Prabowo prioritized these things. "Indonesia will be strong if the people eat enough. Indonesia will be strong if the people are healthy. Indonesia will be strong if the people are smart. People who eat enough, God willing, are healthy because the nutrition is strong," he added. In addition to the prices of basic necessities and food self-sufficiency, Muzani said that Prabowo also prioritized affordable health and education prices for the Indonesian people. "If food is affordable, health is affordable, education is affordable, the fourth must prepare affordable employment opportunities," he said further. Muzani then asked cadres to use cellphones or gadgets to win Prabowo Subianto in the upcoming elections. He encouraged cadres to be more active in using social media, namely by liking, commenting, and sharing every upload or content regarding Prabowo and Gerindra.
"If there is news about Gerindra, about Pak Prabowo, number one likes, likes, gives a sign of like, then number two comments, gives good comments, third shares, share with each group on your cellphone," he said.

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