
BOYOLALI - A Hajj from Salatiga City, Central Java (Central Java), died on a plane on its way back to Indonesia.

Public Relations Officer of the Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) Solo Debarkation Gentur Rama Indriyadi, Hajj who died on the plane on a return trip from Saudi Arabia named Patimah Soleh Muh Kamil (77), a resident of Kecandran Village, Sidoducti District, Salatiga City.

The member of the 18-Debarkation flying group (cluter) Solo died of a heart attack at 01.05 WIB on a flight from Jeddah City in Saudi Arabia to Kualanamu Medan International Airport.

According to flight rules, the bodies of the pilgrims who died on the plane were taken down when the plane was flying transiting at Kualanamu Airport, Medan.

PPIH Debarkasi Solo coordinated with Garuda Indonesia to repatriate the bodies of the deceased pilgrims.

The Hajj body will be transported by plane to Adi Soemarmolalu International Airport and taken to Haji Donohudan Boyolali Dormitory to be handed over to the family and taken back to the area of origin using an ambulance.

"Hajjes who die during operations will certainly receive insurance in the amount of the cost of Hajj travel and specifically for pilgrims who die on the plane will get insurance from Garuda of around Rp. 100 million," said Gentur.

Meanwhile, the 18 Solo Debarkation groups which included 365 people from Semarang Regency, Temanggung Regency, and Salatigamendarat City at Adi Soemarmo Boyolali International Airport on Tuesday at 05.24 WIB.

Based on data in the Integrated Hajj Information and Computerization System, members of the Solo Debarkation pilgrims who died increased by three to a total of 89 people.

Two members of the pilgrims who died in Saudi Arabia on Monday (10/7) included members of the 27th group from Magelang Regency and members of batch 36 from Tegal Regency.

In addition, one Hajj from Salatiga died on the plane on its way to Indonesia on Tuesday.

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