
JAKARTA - Poltisi among young people are now starting to emerge in the world of politics in the country. Young politicians offer new colors with more creative ideas. Creating liquid communication and dialogue among the party elite and society, and are considered important to solve various national problems.

The names of young politicians are currently starting to emerge, one of which is the Secretary-General of the Berkarya Party Fauzan Rachmansyah. The man who was born in 1985 is stepping into his political path, as one of the youngest Secretary-General of the Party in Indonesia.

However, his career as a politician is not easy to reach. The grandson of Masyumi and founder of the Al Azhar Islamic Islamic Boarding School Foundation KH Gazali Syahlan started everything from the business world. As a young entrepreneur engaged in various business fields, Fauzan wants to contribute more to his nation and country.

"There are several businesses that have been running so far, not everything is going well. But what is quite good must start, not the world being pursued, but the benefits for others. So orientation and intention are very important. That is very important to start something," he said, in a written statement, quoted Tuesday, June 13.

From this desire, Fauzan then began to look at the world of politics, which was able to provide changes through policies that were beneficial to the community, by joining the Berkarya Party since 2017.

In the Berkarya Party, Fauzan started from below as a cadre, trusted as the Daily Chair of the Berkarya Party Youth Forces (AMPB) party, then appointed as the General Chair of AMPB in 2020 by Major General TNI Purrn Muchdi Purwopranjono or commonly known as Muchdi PR.

Through his various breakthroughs, AMPB in Fauzan became one of the party's wings that was quite respected. Because he was able to mobilize young people into the Berkarya Party. This action then made Muchdi PR trust him to become Secretary General of the Berkarya Party.

"Never really dreamed, but as long as there is a task from our leadership we must be able to complete it well. Loyalty to the leader is oening together with ideas and ideas for other cadres we must also give the best. Even though our political parties are not paid. This is all about ideology and dedication. As long as we intend for the good of the people, it will definitely produce great energy," he added.

Success as a businessman and young politician, but not in line with his household matters. In this one case Fauzan was unlucky, he had faced divorce.

"People's paths are never perfect, of course something that is not good must be improved," he added.

But as a burning young soul, Fauzan hopes not to give up on returning to the household. Experience in the past will be used as a lesson for even better changes in the future.

"Of course I want to, but I don't want to repeat the same mistakes in the future, so I'm more careful in choosing a wife and making decisions," he said.

As a young soul, Fauzan still needs life companions who can understand and understand his struggle as a young politician who always wants to give the best for the nation and state.

"If you ask the candidates, there are candidates. They are still getting to know each other, and try to share their dreams," he said.

A loyal couple faces all situations of life with love, honesty, sincerity, and intelligence in terms of intelligence, equality and spirituality are ideal criteria for her.

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