YOGYAKARTA Echa Aura, a popular name from Elsa Japasal, is reportedly close to Alam Ganjar, Ganjar Pranowo's only son. Nature's name has been sought through the acting machine since uploads took three photos at the top of Mount Prau with his father and mother. The news that was spread was about who the woman colored her love story. Echa Aura, became a trending topic. According to one of the netizens with the @arfi*** account, he wrote he and his son got along bro, he added .,string goes out together.
Echa Aura is a celebrity who is an Aura E-sports brand ambassador. On his social media pages, Echa often uploads beautiful portraits that make netizens salfok. Take a peek at the following series of portraits of Echa Aura launching Instagram verified accounts @elsaajapasal.
Elsa was born on November 14, 2001, so that she is currently almost 22 years old. This woman who was born in Makassar, is reportedly close to Alam Ganjar since the two were caught during futsal celebration.
Echa's cute and adorable behavior often makes netizens salfok. One of the netizens wrote commenting on the cute Echa portrait above, "That's what the face of the tire leaked, it's a lot of damage". The comment jokingly above was answered "hehehe" by the account owner, Elsa Japasal.
Echa wrote in the caption of the portrait above, 'Nari, a girlfriend who can play the guitar once 10 plays'. The joke invited the netizen's response. Starting from jokes about taste to comments 'A little like the past'.
Elsa's facial expression when taking pictures is unique. Starting from beautiful photos that are feminine with sweet smiles to posets like the ones above that make updices
Sport bra Calvin Klein became Elsa's outfit when she was by the pool. She wears a cream-colored outer to protect her skin from exposure to the sun. Echa brought ice cream cone with her left hand. Tampa we posed wearing sunscreen glasses with a thin smile.
Elsa Japasal has a older brother who was married some time ago. During her sister's wedding, Echa wore a beautiful dark green dress. Her bead clip added to the sweet appearance of a woman who is currently in college.
Elsa Japasal often gets praise from netizens. Through the upload of the portrait above, Echa was praised for being beautiful, gemoy, and pretty. Regarding his closeness to Alam Ganjar, the two of them have not reported it with certainty.
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