5 Things That Cause Excitement And Recognize How To Overcome
Illustration of things that cause emotions to explode (Freepik/benzoix)


YOGYAKARTA Uncontrollable and exploding emotions suddenly, may be triggered by various factors. Sometimes it's just a simple daily problem, but because they are often piled up and ignored, they can explode suddenly. According to clinical psychologist Bob Taibibi, LSCW., summarizes the causes of emotions exploding in the explanation below.

Many people look calm and calm, scary when their emotions explode. This can actually be triggered by a lot of pressure or stress so that even calm people have lost control over their emotions.

Depression is different from stress, but both can trigger emotional outbursts. Depression is not only marked by losing your enthusiasm for activities, but can also be uncontrollable anxiety. Anxiety is accompanied by pessimistic thinking that can be annoying, especially when it makes you angry and your mood worsens.

A person may explode from his emotions because he falls into an unbalanced relationship. He played a major role in his relationship without getting the same thing so that it made him feel insecure, disturbed, and even depressed. Emotional outbursts, according to Taibibi, reported by Psychology Today, Monday, October 23, occur due to hatred for unfair things.

Life is attached to change, to 'welcome' someone needs qualified adaptability. If it is difficult to deal with certain transitions or changes in life, it may be difficult times. Especially for people who tend to be planned, if they fail it is not something that is easy to accept. Maybe it can even make them become people who easily explode their emotions.

Someone who has excessive vigilance can behave intimidatingly with others. They can explode their emotions and intimidate others to get what they want. Generally, it is experienced by people who have experienced childhood trauma. Once again, according to Taibibi, it is not anxiety that causes her to get angry without control.

To overcome the emotional outburst caused by the five things above, Taibibi suggested several ways. First, solve the emotional state by calming down. What needs to be underlined about this first step, is self-regulation and responsibility.

How to deal with the second emotional outburst, start getting used to monitoring your emotions. If emotions become a driver of anger, try to check your feelings. You can also do positive things to calm yourself down, for example taking a walk, writing, taking a deep breath, or doing meditation.

Once you feel calmer and skilled at managing emotions, try solving basic problems. You can also take steps to deal with depression, anxiety, or other problems that underlie your emotional outburst.

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