Have Expectations To Get An Orgasm When Making Love With A Partner, Is It OK? This Is Clearly An Expert
Illustration of expectations of getting an orgasm while making love to a partner (Freepic/pressphoto)


YOGYAKARTA Orgasm often raises interesting questions. Is it possible to have expectations that every sex activity with a partner will get an orgasm? This question is quite complicated, according to researcher James M. Marital. Based on many studies, scientists observed that between 60 and 80 percent of women do not get orgasm during sex and 10 percent of others do not get orgasms for life.

There are many ways to get an orgasm, either with intimate activities involving penetration or without penetration, for example by intimidating or enjoying certain activities to encourage sexual pleasure. There are also many factors that cause you not to get an orgasm. Including not feeling well or because certain biological conditions refer to sexual disorders. But it is important to understand that the factor of your relationship with your partner also affects sexual life.

The study, published by Psychology Today, Monday, September 18, revealed that most differences in the rate of orgasm between women are caused by genes. As many as 40 percent of the frequency variation of orgasm between women is genetic. In fact, genes account for 45 percent of this difference even when doingide. The failure to get an orgasm, in fact, is also seen as an abnormality so that it is included in the Manual for Diagnostics and Mental Disorder Statistics, called Women's Orgasmic Disorder. Concerned again, the prevalence of diagnosis between 4 and 28 percent of women has FOD (Female Orgasmic Disorder).

Failure to achieve orgasm, is then misinterpreted as an abnormality. In fact, this is far from the truth. That orgasm during sexual intercourse no one guarantees. However, the more time a woman spends with her partner, significantly reporting getting an orgasm. This was reported by 69 percent of Australian women who got an orgasm during their last sexual intercourse.

Good messages that research a lot about coupled relationships and sexuality, don't be too harsh on yourself if you don't succeed in reaching orgasm. Orgasm is good but is also a puzzle that can only be solved each according to preferences. Well, if you expect orgasm in sex activities with your partner, try to start to be open and honest about what you both want. It's about what you need, which one is delicious to stimulate, to how to stimulate it. This sexual communication, also allows your partner to know your body deeply and together supports to achieve orgasm.

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