
Rendy Kjaernett and Lady Nayyan decided to maintain their household, after being reconciled through mediation at the Bekasi District Court.

From many parties who helped Rendy and Lady maintain their household, the Church has its own role. The couple, who have been blessed with three children, is known to have consulted with the pastor several times before making a decision.

Lady said that she and her husband will undergo a re-wedding inauguration in October. The inauguration will be carried out by the pastor where they perform the church.

"In the church itself, there was actually a husband and wife retreat (of spiritual tourism) in October. There was also a re-ceremony (of marriage)," said Lady Nayyan to the media crew in Tendean, South Jakarta on Wednesday, August 23.

In addition to the fulfillment of marriage, Rendy Kjaernett and Lady Nayyan will also undergo a sign of conversion. This is done with the hope that their household will be stronger and closer to God.

"We will sterilize diving and reaffirmation. Yes, that's one of our things to be able to bring our marriage to make the foundation stronger," said Lady Nayoan.

What Rendy and Lady will do is not without meaning, they want to start a new page in their marriage. The fire of anger that Lady felt in the past is said to have turned into the fire of love.

"More to us turning a new sheet," said Lady.

"No more, the fire is more of a fire of love, so that it remains warm, so that the children stay warm," he added.

After his relationship got warm again, Rendy Kjaernett also had a new routine. He always invited Lady to pray together in the morning. This was done as a thank you for God's help.

"Maybe this, from all of this, it's God who helps us, we as human beings just know ourselves, we are grateful," concluded Rendy Kjaernett.

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