Police Find Indications Of Criminal Acts Behind The Death Of Jakarta Rudenim Employees

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya found indications of a criminal act in the death of an employee of the Jakarta Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim), Tri Fattah Firdaus. Tri fell from the 19th floor of the Metro Garden Apartment, Ciledug, Tangerang.

Director of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi said that there were indications of a criminal act because bloodstains were found in the apartment unit, where Tri Fattah Firdaus was previously located.

"It turned out that after processing the crime scene, blood spots were found, other signs that led to a criminal act," Hengki told reporters, Friday, October 27.

To prove indications of a criminal act, the digital forensic team was involved in the investigation of the case.

Currently, the alleged perpetrator who is a foreign citizen (WNA) from South Korea with the initials KH has been secured. Based on CCTV footage, he had threatened security and apartment officials.

"Until this afternoon we are still investigating the suspect. What is clear is that the initial criminal act of threats, we have constructed unpleasant acts, while we are investigating what happened so that a victim fell from the 19th floor," said Hengki.

With the involvement of various teams in the investigation of this case, Hengki is optimistic that in the near future the flow or chronology of events that caused Tri Fattah Firdaus to fall from the 19th floor can be concluded.

"Hopefully, in the not too distant future, we can conclude about the actual incident that occurred in this case," said Hengki.

Previously, Tri Fattah fell from the top of an apartment in the Tangerang area. The incident occurred on Friday, October 27, in the early hours of the morning at around 03.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, KH, a South Korean citizen suspected of being the perpetrator, was arrested by the police on Friday morning at around 08.00 WIB. The perpetrator also fought back when he was arrested.