Today's Memory, October 18, 2000: Zack De La Rocha Leaves Rage Against The Machine

JAKARTA Memories of today, 23 years ago, October 18, 2000, Zack de la Rocha resigned from the band that raised his name Rage Against the Machine (RATM). Vision incompatibility is one of the causes of Zack's resignation.

Previously, RATM was a music ride for Zack de la Rocha (vocal), Tim Commerford (bas), Tom Morello (guitar), and BradWillak (drums). They are able to present unique and different music. RATM-style songs are also full of political attitudes and resistance to tyranny.

The narrative of music as a tool against the government of tyranny is not a new thing. Zack and Morello believed it was true in that case. Morello initially experienced a saturation phase in playing music. The old band is considered not the right forum.

The idea to make a new band also emerged. That desire became stronger when he met Zack de la Rocha. The common vision makes the two connect in their work. Music is a test against, he thought. His new band was formed in 1990.

RATM, his name. The RATM formation is also more complete with the presence of the Commerord Team and Brad Wilk. The four children of Los Angeles, United States (US) began working together. Songs that voice injustice began to create. From social inequality to racism resistance.

Support also flows. RATM fans increased. Everyone agreed at that time that RATM was the universal resistance. Zack's stage action was predicted not just a form of entertainment, but a place to burn anger against injustice.

The narrative was perfected by the presence of the first album with 12 songs of material. The album title is the same as the band name: Rage Against The Machine. The result was brilliant. The demonstration, whose cover depicts a Vietnamese monk, Thich Quang Duck, who set himself on fire for protest against the government for religious discrimination in Vietnam, brought RATM to fame.

Fans are growing. Even though RATM initially spread the song without bulging. This success made RATM contracted by RAkaman Lebel under Sony Music. Moreover, RATM's resistance was not only in the mouth. The four young men often participate in demonstration agendas with various themes.

RATM is then widely known as perpetuating entertainment and activism. The move was appreciated by many parties. The music album has been awaited. Among other things, the albumEvil Empire (1996) and The Battle of Los Angeles (2000) came out. They are known like the god of hip metal.

Morello and Wilma together went to see Zack at a show. Morello admitted he was really fascinated by Zack's appearance. He then recruited Zack into his band RATM. The atmosphere of the exercise was filled with enthusiasm.

Morello was even more fascinated when he saw Zack's book containing poetry and song lyrics. Morello felt that he had found a Seidiological brother. Even the lyrics did not only tell about Mao (China's great leader) or Paraguay. The association between musicians was soon established. Even without taking a long time. explained Joel Maciver in the bookKnow Your Enemy: The Story of Rage Against the Machine (2014).

Success is increasing the name RATM. Many are inspired by RATM's struggle through songs. Many demonstrations in the world make RATM's song like a guide against it. However, RATM's journey in the world of music is not completely smooth.

Many internal conflicts occur in RATM's own body. At its peak, when the fourth album, Renegades wanted to be released. The four RATM personnel seemed to not have one vision. Zack, especially. He began to feel that music among his colleagues was no longer comfortable.

As a result, Zack chose to leave on October 18, 2000. Zack's departure was regretted by RATM fans around the world. They seemed to lose a motivating hero. Moreover, Morello without Zack seemed to let RATM hiatus for a while. Even though they then reunited in 2007.

"The anger accompanied Zack de la Rocha's departure. He felt that his friend didn't want to hear about it anymore.Zack wanted the album Renegadesjang to be launched first, but it turned out that the band wanted something else," said the band's friends. "Because there is no more agreement, the gigambal-haired vocalist decided to leave:rry man, apparently we no longer care about it."

Immediately, October 2000, coinciding with the launch of Renegades, their album vang keernpat, Zack stated that he left RATM -- a band that catapulted his name. Suddenly the pain not only hit the band and label, but also the important thing was his fans. Zack's departure marked the end of the band's journey, "said Irfan Budiman in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled The Return of the Internal Left Band (2007).