Putri Cempo Solo TPA Fire, Hotspots Appear At Night

JATENG - The status of the fire at the Putri Cempo Solo Final Disposal Site (TPA) will be lowered following the reduced area burned in the area. Head of the Surakarta City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Nico Agus Putranto, said that the emergency response status at Putri Cempo TPA will be completed tomorrow morning. This is based on the results of the latest evaluation meeting. "Handling at Putri Cempo TPA will continue until it is extinguished. Now it can be said that it is quite significant," Nico said in Solo, Friday, September 22, confiscated by Antara.

He said, if the percentage remains, there will be only 20-30 percent of the fire. However, he continued, the remaining hotspots could not be known in detail.

"So you must remain vigilant even though there are only 20 percent left, because at night there are still hotspots that appear," he said.

Therefore, although the last few days the fire extinguishing process at the Putri Cempo TPA has used the water bombing method or water bomb avalanches, he said, for the night spraying by fire departments by land route is still being carried out. "So for 24 hours, smoke is still coming out at the points," he said. For spraying by land route, he continued, by injection or injection method. "So injection of nozzles is inserted, leaking until smoke disappears, assuming that water absorbs. We are trying to extinguish the fire," he said.