Demonstration At The Horse Statue, Mass Accuses ASN Minister Of Home Affairs Of Supporting One Of The Parties In The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - Dozens of residents on behalf of the Papua Democracy Care Forum (FPD) held a demonstration at the Horse Statue Roundabout, Monas, Central Jakarta, Thursday, September 14.

The chairman of the Papua FPD, Richo Rumayomi, said that the purpose of holding this action was as a form of protest to the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in Yapen Islands Regency, Papua. Richo assessed that there was an alleged neutrality by supporting one of the parties in the 2024 election.

Whereas Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (ASN) states that ASN is prohibited from becoming a member or administrator of political parties and must maintain neutrality in all forms of political influence.

"As a result of this non-neutral official, it has created a commotion among the public," said Richo, Thursday, September 14.

Richo also said that if the inequality of the ASN was revealed, there would be a leak of letters from one of the Papua Provinces showing efforts to take advantage of the power of political parties in thwarting someone in order to return to leading the region.

In addition, he is also suspected of facilitating legislative candidates from one of the parties in the Yapen Islands in preparation for pecalegan.

"What the Acting Regent of Yapen Regency has done has clearly violated the provisions of Law no. 5/2014 concerning ASN," said Richo.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Papua FPD, Moses Waimuri, asked the Minister of Home Affairs to really pay attention to the demands of the Yapen residents represented by the Papuan FPD.

"We want Yapen to be led by a completely neutral person so that the democratic climate there is running well and healthy. Not a person who is clearly oriented towards one political party," he concluded.

After they held a demonstration to convey their aspiranya, representatives of the FPD met with the Minister of Home Affairs to express their opinions.