Ministry Of Religion Conveys Reasons For Government To Change Isa Almasih Holiday To Jesus Christ

YOGYAKARTA - Many people question the reason for the government to replace the holiday for Jesus Christ. The name change was conveyed by Muhadjir Effendy, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, in a press statement at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture office on Tuesday (12/9).

"There will be a nomenclature change in the proposal of the Ministry of Religion regarding the term, namely Isa Almasih will be changed to Jesus Christ," said Muhadjir Effendy.

Muhadjir Effendy also said that the Ministry of Religion would draft a presidential regulation for the change of the nomenclature. Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag) Saiful Rahmat Dasuki explained the reason for the government to change the holiday of Isa Almasih to Jesus Kritus.

Deputy Minister of Religion Saiful Rahmat Dasuki said that the change in the name of Isa Almasih to Jesus Christ was a suggestion from Protestant Christians and Catholic Christians.

"Yes, the proposal from Christians and Catholics so that the nomenclature name is changed to what they believe is part of what they believe is the birth of Jesus Christ, the death of Jesus Christ and the rise of Jesus Christ as well, so it is indeed from their proposal," said Deputy Minister of Religion Saiful during a press conference at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture office, Tuesday (12/9).

Saiful Dasuki also revealed that the proposal had been discussed by the Ministry of Religion. The Ministry of Religion will also propose changing the name to President Jokowi.

"And we fight for it, thank God it can be accepted," said Saiful Dasuki.

So far, the government has set three holidays related to Isa Almasih, namely birth, death, and increase. The government has set 27 national holidays and collective leave.

Of the 27 holidays set by the government, there are 17 national holidays and 17 collective leave. The following is a list of holidays and collective leave in 2024.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai alasan pemerintah mengganti hari libur Isa Almasih menjadi Jesus Christ. Perubahan nama tersebut dilakukan berdasarkan usulan dari umat Kristen Protestant dan Kristen Catholic di Indonesia.

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