September 7, Judge Will Announce Mario Dandy's Verdict

The panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court who tried the case of alleged severe abuse and planned against David Ozora to decide that the verdict reading for the defendant Mario Dandy Satriyo will be held next week.

The decision was made after the defendant's camp Mario Dandy Satriyo finished reading the duplicate.

"(The trial) will be handed down on Thursday 7 September, next week," said Chief Judge Alimin Ribut Sudjono during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, August 29.

At the previous trial, the prosecutor charged Mario Dandy Satriyo with imprisonment for 12 years. The reason is that the actions of Rafael Alun Trisambodo's son fulfilled the elements of Article 353 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code and Article 355 paragraph 1 concerning severe persecution.

Then, Mario Dandu was also required to pay restitution or compensation of Rp120 billion. If you do not have the ability to replace it, you will be sentenced to 7 years in prison.

Mario in the trial had responded to the demands. He thought the prosecutor did not consider mitigating matters for him.

"I express my disappointment over the demands of the public prosecutor who prosecuted with a maximum sentence without considering any mitigating reasons," said Mario.

Rafael Alun Trisambodo's son argued that there were many mitigating factors for him that should be considered, for example, that he had never encountered legal problems.

Thus, Mario asked the panel of judges to provide relief to him. He also assured that he could improve himself.

"At this young age I believe I can still improve myself to be much better by leaving the wrong way of life and turning into a new person to look forward to a better future," he said.

However, the prosecutor in his replica had stated that the defendant Mario Dandy Satriyo created a series of lies in the case of alleged severe abuse of David Ozora. The goal is to build an alibi so that it is free from the snares of the law.

"The defendant Mario Dandy also created a series of lies to build an alibi to escape the snares of the law," he said.

The lie that Mario Dandy told was actually an entry point for the police at the investigation level to determine him as a suspect.

Even at the trial stage. All the lies are clearly visible when viewed objectively.

"From this series of trials, we can objectively assess that the defendant Mario Dandy Satriyo is increasingly cornered by his own lies which can eventually be used as an indication of the defendant Mario Dandy Satriyo's mistake in the persecution he committed against David Ozora," said the prosecutor.