Motorcycle Accident Against Direction At Lenteng Agung, DKI Transportation Agency Reviews CCTV Installation

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, admitted that he would review the placement of surveillance cameras or CCTV that could be installed by the ETLE system at the location of the opposite motorcyclist incident which resulted in an accident in the Lenteng Agung area, South Jakarta.

"We will coordinate this with colleagues from the Ditlantas (Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya)," said Syafrin at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, August 24.

After the truck accident hit the motorcyclist, Polda Metro Jaya had taken action against motorists who were fighting the traffic flow at that location. In addition to being guarded by officers, the police also placed electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE) mobile.

"Today, there have been several reports from the ranks of the South Sub-dept. who have been prosecuted again. This means that we slowly remind the public not to violate motorbikes against the flow," explained Syafrin.

Furthermore, Syafrin said that direct supervision by DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency officers and the police in Lenteng Agung was carried out until all motorists obeyed traffic rules.

Syafrin asked the public not to violate after the accident.

"It's like in Lenteng Agung, you have to go around. So, still from the Poltangan direction, for example, you have to go straight to the south, then rotate in Lenteng Agung again. So we hope this will continue, because it is for the sake of mutual safety," explained Syafrin.

An accident involving 7 motorcyclists with trucks occurred on Jalan Raya Lenteng Agung, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Tuesday morning, August 22.

Starting from a truck numbered B 9127 KYY driving from north to south on Jalan Raya Lenteng Agung. Arriving at the scene of the incident, there were a number of motorcyclists who were in the opposite direction, resulting in the collision.

As a result of the accident, five people were injured. Three of them suffered serious injuries and two minor injuries.

The Head of Traffic Police, Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi, stated that the accident that occurred in Lenteng Agung occurred because of the poor compliance of the traffic community.

"The dual-wheeled motorist's non-activity to applicable regulations is one of the causes of the accident. Of course this is very unfortunate and for motorists who cause accidents that do not deserve compensation," said Firman.

Firman hopes that this incident will be a lesson for road users to be orderly in traffic. This is because accidents will result in harm to all parties.

"We know that traffic accidents will result in losses, both material and non-material. Losses are also felt by all parties, both victims and those suspected of being the cause of the accident," said Firman.