Zoom Video Communications Inc announced on Tuesday May 16 that it had invested in an undisclosed amount to Anthropic, an artificial intelligence (AI) company. Zoom Inc will also integrate the company's technology into their video conferencing platform.
The move is Zoom's latest attempt to increase their offerings by using AI as they compete with Microsoft Teams, the dominant video conferencing tool for the company.
In this collaboration, Claude of Anthropic - a large language model that competes directly with products from Microsoft-backed OpenAI - will be integrated with the Zoom platform.
Claude is designed to perform similar tasks with ChatGPT by responding in the form of captions similar to humans, and plans to be added to the Zoom Contact Center, call center service.
In March, Zoom announced a partnership with OpenAI to add AI capabilities such as a summary of conversations and message drafts to their Zoom IQ assistants.
Microsoft Teams in February introduced a premium version of its ChatGPT-powered app, while Salesforce Slack also said it plans to integrate ChatGPT into their collaboration software, Slack.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)