As many as 93 people who will be legislative candidates (caleg) of Depok City do not meet the requirements (TMS) for the 2024 General Election. This was conveyed by the General Election Commission (KPU) of Depok, West Java.
"There are 93 files of Depok City candidates from a number of political parties with TMS status, after administrative verification of improvements were carried out," said Head of the Depok City KPU's Technical Division, Fikri Tamau, quoting Antara, Sunday, August 6.
Fikri explained that the dozens of candidates who would be TMS were because they did not match the documents uploaded to the KPU nomination information system (Silon) as regulated in PKPU Number 10 of 2023.
"We have submitted the results of the administrative verification of this repair to the political parties concerned and the Depok City Bawaslu," said Fikri.
Fikri said that while the number of candidates for Depok City who met the requirements to participate in legislative candidacy in the 2024 General Election was 721 people.
"The total number of candidates in all electoral districts from 14 political parties in Depok City is 814 people. There are administrative files that are declared eligible (MS) 721 people and 93 TMS people," said Fikri.
He said the next stage of the Depok KPU would carry out a draft temporary candidate list (DCS) from August 6-11, 2023. Meanwhile, to determine the list of permanent candidates (DCT) on October 3, 2023.
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