JAKARTA The rise of cases of trafficking in persons (TPPO) is a concern in itself. Because many of the victims are minors. According to Criminologist from the University of Indonesia (UI) Adrianus Eliasta Sembiring Meliala, TIP victims can become new perpetrators of this type of crime.
Adrianus Meliala gave an example of the phenomenal Patty Hearst case in the United States in 1974. Patty Hearts is a daughter of a conglomerate who is a victim of kidnapping. But in the end joined the group of kidnappers to commit a crime.
"I use this analogy to explain the current case when someone doesn't feel like it's being sold. In fact, I feel like I'm getting a lot of income," Adrianus said, quoting Antara, Sunday, August 6.
The behavior of the victim's change to become a TIP actor is reflected in the case of an international kidney buying and selling syndicate that was revealed recently. Of the 15 suspects, nine of them have been donors or victims who have turned into TIP actors.
From this case, Adrianus then concluded that in the development of the TIP case there was a "new variant", namely the victim who turned into the perpetrator.
"There are variations in the context of human trafficking based on developments from time to time," said Adrianus.
In the new variant of TIP, the 56-year-old man continued, the perpetrator and the victim were involved in contact with the displacement of the place, when processing documents, or when they were in certain locations that were shelter locations.
"From the glasses of law enforcement officers who are a bit conservative, victims can also be said to be comorbidities. So not only is he a victim, but he has participated in a scheme that sacrifices himself. He is working with other people so that he becomes a victim," said Adrianus.
According to Adrianus, the current government has taken appropriate steps by forming a TIP Task Force formed by the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.
"This task force does two things, namely data collection and coordinating roles such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Police, BPMI, and others. So that there is no other interest," said Adrianus.
The TIP Task Force in the period 5 June-2 August has arrested 882 suspects and saved 2,233 people from the crime of trafficking in persons, including the case of buying and selling the kidneys of the Indonesian-Kamboja international network.
Not only strengthening domestically, Indonesia also continues to work together with other countries such as Cambodia so that the eradication of TIP cases can be carried out comprehensively.
The Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh to ANTARA through a written statement, Friday (4/8), continues to make efforts to improve communication and cooperation between the Police and the Cambodian Police (CNP), both formally and informally.
One of the priorities is to help sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding the prevention and handling of Transnational Crimes (TNC) which is planned to be agreed at the end of August 2023.
The Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh has also sent a diplomatic note to Cambodia to submit a request from the National Police to the Cambodian Police to help repatriate victims of kidney trade from June 23, 2023 to early July 2023.
"The Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh fully supports the efforts of the National Police to cut lines and stop the syndicated network of kidney trade in Indonesia," said the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh in a written statement.
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