JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that most major cities in Indonesia will be cloudy on Sunday, August 6. According to the BMKG weather forecast broadcast, sunny cloudy weather during the day is predicted to cover the cities of Banda Aceh, Serang, Denpasar, Yogyakarta, Central Jakarta, Gorontalo, Jambi, Semarang, Surabaya, Tarakan, Bandar Lampung, Kupang, Mamuju, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Kendari, Manado, and Padang.
The cities of Banjarmasin, Palangka Raya, Tanjung Pinang, Ambon, Mataram, Ternate, Jayapura, and Palembang are forecasted to be cloudy during the day, while Pontianak, Pangkal Pinang, and Manokwari are facing the potential for light rain, and Medan City is facing the potential for moderate rain.
In the evening, the weather in Banda Aceh, Denpasar, Bengkulu, Central Jakarta, Gorontalo, Bandung, Pangkal Pinang, Tanjung Pinang, Tarakan, Bandar Lampung, Ternate, Mataram, Kupang, Mamuju, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Kendari, and Palembang are predicted to be cloudy.
The weather between the cities of Surabaya and Ambon is predicted to be sunny at night, while the cities of Serang, Yogyakarta, Jambi, Semarang, Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Tanjung Pinang, Ambon, Makassar, and Padang are predicted to be cloudy.
At night light rain is predicted to fall in the cities of Palangka Raya, Jayapura, and Manokwari and rain with moderate intensity is likely to flush the city of Medan.
BMKG previously conveyed an appeal to residents to be aware of the potential for rain which can be accompanied by lightning and strong winds in a number of parts of Indonesia this weekend.
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