JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri will examine the closest person Dito Mahendra in the determination of the illegal possession of firearms (senpi) case. The plan is that Dito's parents and younger siblings will be questioned this week. "On June 14, 2023, an examination will be carried out by brother B who is the younger brother of MDS alias DM (Dito Mahendra)," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Monday, June 12. A day later, the parents of Dito are also scheduled to provide information. Investigation of them was carried out because so far Dito Mahendra was never present to provide information both at the investigation and investigation stage. "Then on Thursday 15 June 2023, PDS parents alias DM and Friday 16 June 2023 will be investigated regarding the Head of RT," he said. Not only about illegal possession, investigators have also investigated allegations of obstructing investigations or hiding the whereabouts of suspect Dito Mahendra. In this matter, investigators scheduled an examination of the security with the initials P. The examination process is planned to take place on Wednesday, 15 May. The examination is to prove the alleged involvement of Nindy Ayunda behind hiding Dito Mahendra. "Yes (Nindy Ayunda is being investigated related to hiding Dito). The status is still a witness," said Ramadhan. As a reminder, Dito Mahendra has been named a suspect in the case of alleged possession of 9 illegal guns. In fact, he is on the wanted list because he is always absent when summoned to provide information.
Not only about illegal senpi, Nindy's statement is also needed in investigating allegations of hiding suspects. The investigation was based on a model A report regarding the alleged violation of Article 221 of the Criminal Code. The report was registered with the number LP/A/5/V/2023/SPKT.DITTIPIDUM/BARESKRIM POLRI dated May 20, 2023.
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