MERAK - KMP Royce 1 ship fire in the waters of the Merak - Bakaheuni Port crossing channel. Nine people were slightly injured.
The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Didik Hariyanto, said that the evacuation of the KMP Royce 1 ship that experienced a fire in the waters of the Merak - Bakauheni Port Lane involved personnel from the Ditpolairud Polda Banten and the TB Tirtayasa III ship along with Lanal Banten, Basarnas, Cilegon City Fire Department, and the Land Transportation Management Agency (BPTD).
Meanwhile, the number of passengers according to the manifest is five pedestrians (two boys and three girls), a passenger in a 135-person vehicle (a 10-year-old boy, a 21-person adult woman, a six-child consisting of five boys and one girl.
Meanwhile, the number of vehicles on board is 79 units.
9 passengers suffered minor injuries. Four people were treated at the Cilegon RSKM and five people were slightly injured were treated at the Merak Health Center.
Currently the fire has been extinguished and the ship will be evacuated at Merak Port.
"The cause of the KMP Royce 1 ship fire is still under further investigation," said Didik.
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