JAKARTA - A soap opera actor with the initials HF alias HI (28) was arrested by the police. He is suspected of being involved in drug abuse of methamphetamine and Ecstasy pills.
West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol M Syahduddi confirmed the arrest. The arrest incident was on Friday, April 14, at 02.30 WIB.
"It's true that we just secured a public figure with the initials HF," said Syahduddi in his statement, Sunday, April 16.
The Head of the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit, AKBP Akmal, added that the arrest took place in an apartment in the Permata Hijau area, South Jakarta. In addition, his party also found evidence of methamphetamine and Ecstasy pills.
However, when asked further, Akmal was reluctant to answer. Because his party is still investigating.
"Please take time, we will provide detailed information regarding the development of this case in the near future," he concluded
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